A very meaningful bouquet…

As promised, I wanted to share with you the bride’s bouquet from Saturday night. The brooch bouquet is not a new concept to me, but how she came about her bouquet is definitely different than what I’ve seen before. For her bridal shower back home, the...

Caribbean Ritual Dancers!

I had such a fun weekend! We worked hard on so many fabulous weddings – my clients were all happy, laid back and fun and you really can’t ask for anything more than that. Of course I took a ton of pictures and I thought about doing one large blog post on...

Welcome May!

Can you believe it’s May already? I’m in a little bit of shock. May is our busiest wedding month of the year and there is so much going on this month, so many exciting weddings & other events. I kind of feel like I need to put a seat belt on in order...