Just a fair warning to my brides, this month is crAAzzy for us! We have a record number of November weddings which means I will be out of the office a lot during the day while I am on location at weddings. My November schedule will look something like this:

5:30am – wake up and respond to as many emails as I can before the kids awake. Then focus on getting them out the door to school.
8:30am – back from running kids all over the island to pre-school and kindergarten
8:30 to 9am – COFFEE

Depending on the Day
9 to 5pm – emails, emails, emails & return phone calls


On-site for weddings

5pm – kids home from school – family time until bedtime
8pm till I crash – emails, emails, emails

There are 17 days in the month of November that I’ll be “on-site” more than in the office. Very weirdly, only one of those days fall on a weekend. So of the remaining days that I will not be on-site, 7 of those are weekend days when the munchkins are home demanding my attention. That only leaves 6 days in November when I’ll be able to really return phone calls. I try not to answer the phone while I am at a wedding unless I know that it is a vendor calling about that specific wedding (taxi guy telling me he has left with the guests, cake delivery confirming the location of the reception, etc). But by not answering the phone, it can put me really behind on messages that need to be returned. So please, if you need to get in touch with me during the month of November, please, please email instead. Emails get checked often and I can get back to you much sooner that way. I don’t think you want me calling you at 5:30am. =)

I’m hoping to be better at blogging this month than I have since September though. I have some pretty cool ideas in store and will keep you posted.