When I am planning a large wedding, I usually have the bride or the bride’s mother ask me, “how many of these do you do a month?” and when I tell them, they are often shocked that I can plan so many weddings and keep them all straight. What they don’t realize is that not all of my weddings have 50+ guests, a reception, a thousand vendors to organize, etc. In fact, a lot of my weddings are simple, like the one I just blogged about on Hawksnest Beach last week.

But, I get get even simpler than that! Last week, J & B (I’m just using their first initials to protect their privacy, in case this was an elopement!) were married on Sapphire Beach, one of my favorites on the island.

They had no cake, no flowers, no music…not even me! They just needed help with their marriage license, a ride to the courthouse and an officiate to marry them. So I set them up with an officiate, arranged to have him pick them up from their hotel, head to the courthouse and then back to the beach for a very simple and very personalized ceremony. Now, seeing how I promised to blog about each and every wedding this month and promised to blog about my favorite detail of each, I was a bit hard pressed to figure out my favorite element this time, considering that I wasn’t even there! I don’t even know what type of dress J wore! But the officiant was able to help me out with the decision…after the ceremony, the bride and groom invited him back to their deck to have a few celebratory Coronas. Nothing better than a few ice cold Coronas after a ceremony on the beach!

And as it starts to get colder in the mainland (seems like it’s going to be a cold winter up there!), I’m sure quite a few of you are imagining kicking back, feet in the sand and an ice cold beverage in hand. If you need help with this visual, check out www.thecoronabeach.com. I’m thinking you will want to bookmark this page for the ever so close future months!